What You Need to Know Before You Build a Modular SCIF

Find out what kind of information you need to gather to get the modular SCIF construction process underway.

Modular SCIFs (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities) are growing in popularity among government and private entities alike. But many people don’t realize how much goes into modular SCIF construction even before fabrication starts. The more Universal Modular, Inc. (UMI) knows about a client’s needs at the beginning of the process, the smoother that process will be.

How long will the project take? How much will it cost? These are the two most common questions asked as modular SCIF planning begins. The information covered here can help inform the answers to those questions and more.

Few clients have all of the details they need from the start—and that’s OK. UMI is here to advise on construction methodologies and to help create a plan that will meet the needs of all stakeholders involved.

How will the space be used?

The first thing clients need to know is what their modular SCIF will be used for, and how many people will need to use it. It is also essential to know how much land it will occupy, as the physical space available impacts the feasibility of the desired goals for the project. While limitations exist with smaller spaces, knowing what those spatial restrictions are helps shape design decisions.

From the very beginning of modular SCIF planning, all stakeholders involved need to be in agreement about the project’s intended use. The key stakeholders include the corporate sponsors, facilities and IT departments, security team, and the end user(s). It is vital to have a consensus before fabrication begins to ensure that the end product meets the needs of all parties involved.

Bringing a key stakeholder into the planning process late can negatively impact the project. Not every stakeholder knows what the others require of the space. For example, the IT department will need to advise on data communication necessities early on, as this component can make up about 20% of the project’s total cost. Meanwhile, the end user will know how the modular SCIF needs to function on a day-to-day basis. They can determine whether the space will be used for offices, hotdesking, or conferencing, and if it will need a restroom or kitchenette. Make sure the corporate sponsor in charge of finances is involved early on so that the programming is not beyond the budget available.

Does the program that the modular SCIF will support already exist?

While forward planning isn’t a bad thing, it’s important for UMI to know if the modular SCIF is intended to support a future program or one already in existence. For projects with the U.S. government, clients need to be in possession of their contract (the DD Form 254) to have an Accrediting Official (AO) assigned. Modular SCIF construction cannot begin until an accrediting official has been identified and has granted pre-construction approval for the project.

Clients working on non-government projects will need to secure other kinds of approvals. They should be aware of their local permitting processes and requirements, as these variables can impact their project’s timeline.

Regardless of whether the project involves the government or a private entity, UMI is able to do the project as a turn-key or just provide the building and installation, while the customer contracts their own site development work. It is important for the client to outline any such split so that UMI can coordinate with on-site teams to ensure utilities, building foundation, and other important details are set up in the correct locations.

What are the network, data communication, and TEMPEST requirements?

The number of classified and/or unclassified networks needed is another variable that directly impacts modular SCIF planning. This is important to know at the beginning because, in some cases, an employee might need to use a single workspace to run different networks on separate computers. This is not uncommon, but it does factor into spatial planning.

Whether the modular SCIF will be used for one classified program or more also impacts the design for the space. If the project is intended to support multiple classified programs, compartmented areas will need to be built within the modular SCIF to separate one program from another, as it is not guaranteed that every employee working in the space will have access to the same classified programs. This variable often answers the question of whether the project will need interior sound-rated walls, as this is required for compartmented areas.

Additionally, clients will need to specify if they will be running copper or fiber data communication systems inside the space, and what TEMPEST and RF shielding requirements have been identified. While RF shielding falls under TEMPEST requirements, UMI needs to know specifically what RF shielding is needed: 0, 30, 60, or 80 decibels (dB).

Are any security measures in place?

Does the property where the modular SCIF will be placed have existing security, such as gates or a security guard? The answer to this question helps inform UMI about whether the accrediting official might require additional mitigations. It is also helpful to know if the client already has a contract in place with a security systems vendor, as UMI will then work with that vendor as the fabrication process moves forward.

Does the project have any specialty requirements?

Anything considered out of the ordinary when compared with a space intended for standard office use could qualify as a specialty requirement. Some modular SCIFs need electrostatic dissipative (ESD) flooring, or large doors for loading in equipment. Others, like those used as data centers, need specialty fire suppression instead of overhead sprinklers.

Building finishes can also fall under this category if a new modular SCIF needs to match the interior or exterior of an existing building. This design detail can have substantial cost implications, as many specialty finishes must be completed on site, and can thus cause the project to lose some of the efficiency achieved in the factory setting.

Who will supply the furniture?

UMI can either supply the furniture for the modular SCIF or, if the client chooses to contract out this piece of the puzzle, can work with a designated furniture vendor. This decision impacts IT planning because data communication must be integrated into the furniture. Coordinating this integration with a vendor is doable but adds a step to the modular SCIF installation process.

How much will it cost?

Every project has a budget, and it is essential for UMI to know what that budget is from the beginning. There are many cost-cutting choices that can be made along the way, such as choosing lower-grade furniture or carpet for the space. By knowing what the client’s budget is, UMI can advise appropriately on which cost-saving measures will help the project budget stay on track.

To help you in your own modular SCIF project planning, download our fillable Modular SCIF Project Planning Worksheet. If you’re interested in getting a quote for your modular SCIF project, reach out to us—we’d love to help.


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